The List All Moms Need to Make

As busy moms, we can forget to take a few minutes to ourselves throughout the day. Putting ourselves on the back-burner can be a quick recipe to burnout. Make a list (bullet journal anyone?) of quick ways that you can stop, rest, and recharge. Keep this list handy and refer to it often to remember all the joyful ways you keep life beautiful. Below are a few things I keep on my list. I have included a freebie list template download at the bottom of this post.

Grab a piece of dark chocolate and eat it slowly.

Go outside and listen. Don’t think, just listen.

Take a walk.

Drink a cup of coffee.

Play your favorite song and sing loudly.

Pick up a book you love and read a few pages from the middle.

Color, write, or draw.

Write down 5 things you are grateful for.

Send someone a quick and positive text message.

Bullet journal.


Practice mindfulness meditation.

Make your own personalized list and be intentional about using it. Download the list template below and get started.

Image by David Schwarzenberg from Pixabay